It’s time to take care of your health

It’s time to take care of your health


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If you spend most of your time on the road, you’ve likely encountered difficulties in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Studies show that many professional drivers struggle to take care of themselves, especially over the long term. If driving isn’t your job, but you rent a van for a long trip, don’t start with bad habits.

We’ve all been there! You’re sitting for hours in the same position. And it’s so easy to be tempted by the delicious sweets sold at gas stations. Even in the best conditions, it can be very challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, you can take steps to radically transform your driving routine and overall well-being. Ready to get back on track? We had no doubt about it!

Do you like driving slouched? Check your posture!

Driving for extended periods can affect various aspects of your health, especially if you adopt poor posture. Sitting with a straight back and neck may seem like a small detail, but it makes a huge difference to your physical health. To reduce your chances of back pain while driving, also adjust your seat and headrest.

Before hitting the road, make sure your seat is at the right distance from the steering wheel, tilted correctly for maximum comfort, and that the back of your head rests well on your headrest.

Swap gas station junk food for a healthy picnic

Fast food may seem convenient and comforting. However, if you spend most of your time behind the wheel, you automatically expose yourself to certain health issues that can only worsen if you love junk food.

Instead, get into the habit of preparing your own picnic. By bringing healthy snacks to work, you’ll stave off hunger and be less tempted to buy a donut or a bag of chips at your next stop. Preparing your own meal allows you to control what you eat and avoid consuming too much sugar and fat.

Healthy food doesn’t have to be bland! Delicious sandwiches, pasta salads, pita bread with dips… there are many options for nutritious and tasty meals. Wondering how to keep your meal fresh? Invest in a mini cooler bag.

Need caffeine to stay awake? Replace every other coffee with water

While coffee and sodas give you energy, they’re not really good for your health.

Instead, make sure you always have a bottle of fresh water in your vehicle. By staying hydrated, you not only quench your thirst but also prevent headaches, stay more alert, and prioritize your health.

Don’t like plain water? Try infusing it with frozen fruits, cucumber slices, or lemon or lime wedges.

If you’re a survivalist type, prioritize a good night’s sleep before your trip

Is planning your thing? One of the best Things to do before embarking on a long journey is to get a good night’s sleep the night before.

Fatigue can have disastrous effects on your reaction times and increase your chances of having an accident. In fact, driver fatigue seems to be the cause of a third of road accidents… that’s scary!

Every night, you should try to sleep between seven and nine hours, especially before a long trip. You’ll wake up rested and ready to go!

Do you love technology? Invest in a smartwatch

If you generally need a boost for things like exercise, why not opt for a smartwatch?

There are many models that allow you to track your fitness, heart rate, and blood pressure. This watch also encourages you to stop more regularly and move outside your vehicle during breaks.

And finally, remember to take breaks!

It’s important to stop regularly, but don’t spend all your breaks in your vehicle! Stand up, walk, and stretch. This relaxes your muscles and promotes blood circulation, and being outside for a few minutes also re-energizes you while getting some vitamin D in the process.

Pro tip: If you have space in your vehicle, try sitting with your legs up for ten minutes before hitting the road again. Practice deep breathing exercises at the same time; it’s great for relaxing and lowering tension.

Discover more tips to prevent back pain while driving or read our essential guide to staying healthy on the road during the Covid pandemic.

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